Mine Read online

Page 10

  Absorbing this new information, Courtney looked with surprise to Rachel, who hurriedly grabbed her hand and pulled her in the direction of the building. Over her shoulder, she said to Betsy, “I want to introduce Courtney to some of the others, so we’ll catch you inside, okay?”

  If she was put off by their abrupt exit, Betsy didn’t show it. Within seconds, she was shouting out somebody else’s name and heading into the parking lot, presumably to squeeze the air from their lungs.

  “Sorry about that,” Rachel chuckled. “Betsy can be…exuberant.”

  Courtney didn’t mention that Rachel still had a hold of her hand. Instead, she tried her best to soak up the warmth of it, to note how well her own hand fit inside Rachel’s, how comforting and sensual it was to be led by a beautiful woman. “So…they wouldn’t have the new wing if it weren’t for you?”

  Rachel blushed a pale pink that Courtney found charming. “I donate money when I can,” she stated simply.

  “Enough money for a wing?” Courtney asked. “I’m impressed.”

  “I sell expensive houses,” Rachel said with a shrug. “And I love animals.”

  “That’s the best reason.” Courtney let the subject drop, not wanting to make Rachel any more uncomfortable than she already had. Besides, there were many far less admirable ways to spend your money. That Rachel used hers to help homeless animals made her seem more…human than Rachel Hart, Million Dollar Producer, came across sometimes.

  The next hour was a whirlwind of activity for Courtney. It seemed like every two or three steps, they ran into somebody else who knew and wanted to chat with Rachel. After the fourth person, Courtney realized she’d never remember all the names and she gave up trying, which actually allowed her to relax a little bit and just take it all in. Rachel’s popularity was impressive and something Courtney hadn’t expected. If asked to describe Rachel’s personality, Courtney would have had to mention the phrases “a little cool” and “somewhat standoffish,” but at Happy Acres, she was warm, well liked, and extremely knowledgeable.

  Inside the building, the first thing Courtney set her gaze on was a giant wall of glass cubicles to her left, each one occupied by a cat.

  “Oh, my God,” she whispered, awed.

  “People tend to forget to spay or neuter their cats.” Rachel’s voice was colored with disapproval.

  Courtney had always been indifferent toward felines. She knew people loved them as pets, but they really didn’t do anything for her. Not like a dog. At that moment, however, she wanted to take each and every one of them home with her. Many people stood peering into the glass, talking with Happy Acres staff and asking questions. Courtney’s gaze stayed on them even as she followed Rachel through the lobby to the far corner where a large table was set up with wine and hors d’oeuvres. “Will they get adopted?” she asked.

  Rachel watched her as Courtney’s eyes traveled over each and every square of glass, taking in each cat. “The younger ones will. The older ones…they’ll be here for a while. We have some volunteers who will end up taking them home if they don’t get adopted. Don’t worry. They’re well taken care of here.”

  Courtney nodded, understanding but not totally convinced.

  “We have volunteers who come in every day and play with them or sit with them in their laps or just spend time near them.”

  Swallowing down unexpected emotion at the sheer scope of abandoned animals, Courtney nodded again, trying hard to let Rachel’s gentle reassurances make her feel better about the cruelty of the world.

  “Hey. Red or white?” Rachel asked softly, pulling Courtney’s gaze to meet hers.

  “Oh. Um, red. Merlot. Please.”

  Taking the glass offered to her, Courtney pounced on the opportunity to chat with Rachel before anybody else showed up to steal her attention. “This place is enormous,” she commented. “I don’t think I realized it.”

  “More than fifteen thousand animals are taken in each year. It has to be big.”

  “Wow.” The overwhelming number of abandoned animals

  made Courtney blink in shock. “What made you start volunteering?”

  Rachel shrugged, popping a grape into her mouth, and chewed thoughtfully. “I started donating first. I got one of those sappy letters in the mail with the emaciated puppy on the front.” She made a face that made Courtney laugh.

  “Yeah, I’ve gotten those, too.”

  “Then I was on my way to see a client who lived out here and I decided to stop in and visit, just for the hell of it. I wanted to see where my dollars were going and I was completely blown away. All the people here, helping out just because of the kindness of their hearts, walking the dogs, cleaning the kennels, helping with paperwork, it just astounded me. I decided maybe I could give more than money.”

  “It must be hard,” Courtney grimaced, “seeing all the strays and animals people have abandoned.”

  “It is. It can be horrific. Believe me, there are times when I just want to beat the crap out of some people. But Happy Acres has a no-kill policy, which is very unusual, so if nothing else, I don’t worry that these animals here have time limits. You know?”

  “That is a relief, isn’t it?”

  “It’s a huge part of why this place means so much to so many people. Just look around.”

  Courtney did, and for the first time, took in the utter volume of attendees. The lobby was full and people spilled out the doors into the front lawn area of the building, the fall air still mild enough to be comfortable in the evening. There had to be close to 250 volunteers present. “I’m impressed.”

  Rachel smiled widely, the dimples Courtney had imagined suddenly appearing on her flushed cheeks, the white flash of her teeth surprising Courtney in its appearance. She vowed right then to make Rachel smile as often as possible; it lit up her entire face.

  “I’m glad you think so,” Rachel said proudly. Before any more could be said, a handsome man in his sixties appeared to shake her hand and chat with the two women about the state of Happy Acres.

  At the end of the night, riding home in the car, Courtney reflected on the previous few hours. If there was one thing she regretted about the evening, it was that she didn’t get nearly enough time one-on-one with Rachel. The snippets she’d had, though few and far between, were fun and enlightening, and every time somebody stole Rachel’s attention, Courtney felt cheated out of the additional tidbits that might have been forthcoming had the interruption not occurred. At the same time, she was a little bit relieved because she knew they’d have things to talk about on their next date.

  Next date?

  She didn’t let herself dwell too long on that phrase as the blur of lights in the distance flew by out the car window. She forced herself to focus on the present as they sped down the expressway, heading back into the city and toward Courtney’s house.

  “Did you have an okay time?” Rachel asked, her voice quiet and soothing in the dark interior of the BMW.

  “I did.” Courtney smiled widely, hoping Rachel could see. “I had a terrific time. Thank you so much for bringing me. I may have to start volunteering now myself.”

  “Well, I certainly didn’t drag you there to trick you into joining the staff.”

  “No?” Courtney’s teasing lilt assuaged any worry Rachel might have had.


  “So…now it’s my turn to drag you somewhere, isn’t it?”

  Rachel’s eyes didn’t leave the road, but the corner of her mouth quirked up just a little. “Yeah, I believe it is.”

  “Hmm…” Courtney tapped her forefinger playfully against her lips. “What to do? What to do?”

  “Should I be worried?” Rachel said with a grin.

  “Oh, yes.”


  Courtney laughed and reached across to pat Rachel’s thigh. She tried hard to ignore the warm firmness of the muscle that flexed beneath the denim. “I’ll go easy on you at first, keep it simple. How about you come over and I’ll cook you dinner?�

  “You’ll cook me dinner?”

  “I’m a fantastic cook.”

  “Well, I’m not, so this may work out well for me.”

  “There you go. What night is good for you?”

  “Hmm. Let me think.” Rachel caught her bottom lip between her teeth as she did so.

  The soft orange light from the dashboard shone on Rachel’s face just enough for Courtney to see her features, notice the sexiness of the gesture, and to feel an interesting pang low in her belly. It was a feeling she hadn’t had in a very long time and it surprised her in its insistence. She cleared her throat and looked away.

  “I know next week is out. I’m booked every night. But the following week should work. I’ll have to double-check and make sure, but I think I’m free Wednesday and Friday,” Rachel said finally. “I have to show houses the rest of the nights, though I’m usually done with that by eight.”

  Courtney nodded, hoping her faint blush wasn’t apparent in the dark interior of the car. “Great. Give me a call when you’ve decided which night works best, and we’ll plan on it. Is there anything you’re allergic to or don’t like?”

  Rachel pursed her lips and squinted in thought and again, Courtney had to look away. “Nope. I think I’m good. No allergies.” She added with a smirk, “I’m not really a fan of Brussels sprouts, but I’ll eat them.”

  “I’m making a mental note. No Brussels sprouts. Got it.”

  They made a right-hand turn and came to a stop. Courtney was surprised to note they were in her driveway. Her Jetta sat alone; Amelia’s car was nowhere to be seen, her project probably long completed.

  “Home sweet home,” Rachel said.

  “So it is.”

  Noting the darkness of the windows, Rachel commented, “You know, you should put a light on a timer so it looks like somebody’s home. For safety.”

  Courtney turned to look her in the eyes, and the pale blue color of them was shockingly apparent even in the faint light available. “You’re right. I’ll do that,” she said softly. She wet her lips and added, “I really had a great time tonight, Rachel. Thank you.”

  Rachel shifted in the driver’s seat so she faced Courtney. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. So did I. Thanks for indulging me.”

  The air in the car seemed suddenly thick, heavy, and warm, almost intoxicating. They looked at one another for several long seconds before Rachel leaned forward and placed her lips gently on Courtney’s. The kiss wasn’t demanding or controlling at all, which surprised Courtney for some reason. Instead, it was soft, gentle, promising, and it took her completely by surprise. She sank into it, wanting to let Rachel set the pace, but there was a sudden blossoming in her core, a wanting she hadn’t felt in what seemed like decades. She reached up and placed her hand on the side of Rachel’s face, the skin there soft as velvet. She threaded her fingers into the hair at the base of Rachel’s neck and tightened her hold, parting her lips just enough to allow the tip of her tongue to dart out, testing the waters. She heard a sharp intake of breath and then Rachel’s tongue touched hers, the warm wet of it so delicious Courtney almost cried out.

  She pulled back then, suddenly, and released her hold. Rachel withdrew as well, her chest heaving as deeply as Courtney’s, apparently as startled as she was at the turn of events. Courtney brought her fingers to her own lips and blinked at Rachel in astonished surprise.

  “Um…” Rachel managed only one word, seemingly unable to form a coherent thought.

  “Yeah,” Courtney responded with a vigorous nod, additional words eluding her. After several more seconds, she reached for the door handle, feeling the overwhelming urge to get out of the car before whatever was going on between them consumed her completely. “You’ll call me? With your schedule?”

  Rachel stared at her, as if trying to catch up. “Oh. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Tomorrow.”

  “Great.” Courtney stepped out of the car, then turned back and leaned down. “I really did have a wonderful time.”

  Rachel smiled, relief flooding over every other emotion. “Good. Me, too.”

  “I’ll talk to you soon.”



  Rachel remained in the driveway, watching Courtney walk to the side door of her house and wondering how she could look so beautiful in the unflattering outside light that cast weird shadows over her frame. Courtney got the door unlocked, then turned and waved to Rachel before entering the house. Rachel waved back, slid her gearshift into reverse, and backed out of the driveway, realizing she had been pleasantly surprised by the direction the evening had taken. She wasn’t sure what exactly she’d expected, but it certainly hadn’t been making out in her car while sitting in Courtney’s driveway. She hadn’t even intended to kiss her. And when she had, it was just going to be a quick peck, a chaste I-had-a-good-time sort of thing. The participation of tongues was something she hadn’t counted on.

  Baggage or no baggage, that woman certainly can kiss. Wow.

  She drove home unsure, a bit shaken, and with a silly grin plastered on her face.

  Chapter Nine

  “Oh, baby. God damn, you’re so wet.”


  “I’m still shocked sometimes, you know? After all these years I still can’t wait to get my hands on you.”

  “Please. Honey, please?”

  “I was watching you tonight, across the room. You were so damn sexy, just standing there talking to that guy. He wanted you. You know that, don’t you? Don’t you?”


  “You were standing close to him, laughing at his jokes. You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. Theresa, please…touch me?”

  “You knew he wanted you and you used that to make me jealous, didn’t you?”


  “He wanted to touch these breasts…wanted them in his big, meaty hands…wanted his mouth on them just like this.”

  “Oh, God.”

  “I could tell. You were talking and he was watching your chest.”

  “Honey…please? Please…”

  “And all I kept thinking was, ‘Go ahead, dude. Look all you want. Fantasize all you want. You’ll never have her. She’s going home with me. You know why? Because she’s mine. Not yours. Mine.’”


  “You’re mine, Courtney.”

  “Yes…please…touch me…”

  “You’re mine…”

  Courtney’s eyes popped open. She lay in her bed and stared at the ceiling in the darkness. Breathing in ragged gasps, she tried hard to calm her racing heart, her entire body radiating heat. Like an electric blanket, her skin emanated even warmth. Theresa’s words still echoed through her subconscious.

  “You’re mine…”

  She remembered that night more vividly than almost any other memories she had of her lost wife. It was the last time they’d made love and it was by far one of the most passionate. They’d been at a holiday party with a bunch of local educators and Courtney had been cornered by a fellow teacher—she couldn’t even recall his name now—and had feigned polite interest. She’d realized two things at once: the man was more interested in her breasts than her words, and Theresa was watching from across the room. She could still feel the whoosh of eroticism when she understood the power she suddenly held. Inching closer to the man, she didn’t flinch away when he leaned closer and said something supposedly funny in her ear. She laughed at his lame attempt at a joke and casually put her hand on his arm as she spoke to him. Peripherally, she watched her wife and saw the subtle shift in her stance. Theresa, too, was having a conversation with somebody, but Courtney could tell she was paying more attention to what was going on across the room than to the words her companion was saying to her.

  Upon their return home late that night, they’d barely made it through the front door before Theresa was on her, kissing her possessively, nipping at her skin, pulling at her clothes. They left a telltale trail of fabric from the foyer up
the stairs—a blouse here, a pair of panties there—until Theresa had slammed her onto her back on their bed. She’d remained on her back well into the wee hours of the morning, Theresa laying claim to her, body and soul, over and over again, until she’d begged…for everything. She’d begged to be touched. She’d begged for release. She’d begged for sleep when Theresa had whispered “again” seductively and demandingly in her ear.

  Now, in the darkness and solitude of her new bedroom, Courtney rolled over onto her side and tucked her legs up so she was as small as a child. The hot burning between her thighs pounded, trying to get her attention, trying to coax her fingers there to relieve the pressure, but she was too freaked out by the timing to allow herself the pleasure.

  She had kissed Rachel. Well, technically, Rachel had kissed her. But Courtney had kissed her back, and more importantly, she’d wanted her. And then she’d had a sex dream about Theresa. It was a little too coincidental to be a coincidence.

  The throbbing between her legs refused to let up. She squeezed her thighs together tightly and balled the pillow in her fist.

  Yes, she’d been with another woman since Theresa’s death, but it was a disaster, something that never should have happened. Courtney had had too much to drink, she’d forced herself to do something she thought she should do, but had realized much too late that she wasn’t ready to do. She’d hurt not only herself, but the other woman as well.

  She rolled over onto her other side, feeling suddenly wide-awake and still uncomfortably turned on, steadfast in her refusal to grant herself any relief. She knew it was a ridiculous form of punishment for what had happened between her and Rachel, but somewhere deep in her subconscious was the little voice that would forever accuse her of cheating on Theresa whenever she so much as thought about another woman. As she recalled the very first time she’d masturbated after Theresa’s death, her eyes welled. She’d cried all through that orgasm, certain she’d done something horribly disrespectful to Theresa’s memory. It didn’t matter that she’d masturbated plenty of times when Theresa was alive. Her anguish was irrational and she knew it, and she still couldn’t hold back the tide of emotion that had washed over her. She’d stayed in bed for more than two days afterward. Amelia had to bodily pull her from the sheets and force her into the shower.